Waveless Chocolate Travertine

This type of stone is one of the best materials for the facade and internal and external walls of the building.


One of the unique features of this Chocolate travertine stone is its high transparency, which looks like a mirror.

Chocolate Travertine is processed in two ways, wavy and waveless. A very well-polished piece of Waveless Chocolate Travertine looks like a mirror in front of you. This travertine stone is commonly used on building facades as a window frame or as a complement to white or cream stone, and the color contrast enhances the beauty of the building’s facade.


The Advantages of Waveless Chocolate Travertine:
  • It has a very beautiful appearance and gives the building a stylish and luxurious appearance.
  • Because of its resin processing, the outer surface of this stone is highly resistant to extreme cold and will not crack, crumble, or fall.
  • It is extremely robust and resistant to breaking, chipping, fading, and abrasion.
  • When compared to other travertine stones, its design is almost uniform.
  • It is very easy to clean and maintain.

This unique Travertine is ready-to-ship in GMP’s warehouse in well-shaped large-size blocks, slabs, and tiles.


Kindly contact us through our WhatsApp number or email at info@gmpstone.com for any inquiry regarding this product.